Process of Fusion Splicing and its working

Process of Fusion Splicing:

Process of Fusion Splicing and its steps:

Many professionals use the fusion splicing process when they want to join to fuse two optical fibers with each to create a proper flow of light. The fusion splicing method is always favourable because of the reason that there is very low data loss once the fiber optic cables are gone through the operations which creates a connection that is seamless between the cables. Below mentioned are the steps that are followed during the fusion splicing method. There is a optical thin film coatings on the precision optical components, just like the pfg optics.


Step 1: Preparation of the fiber optic cables for fusion splicing.

Before starting the fusion splicing method to join the fibers, firstly we have to prepare the optical fiber cables that we want to join. In the preparation of that cables, the protective coatings present on the cables are removed along with tubes, jackets, and everything except the fiber, the fiber is kept intact. While the optical fiber cables are being prepared, several steps are followed by fiber optic professionals in order to keep the fibers clean.

Step 2: The fiber optic cables are cleaved:

After properly preparing the fiber optic cables for the fusion splicing process, in order to keep the cables united they are cleaved. It is highly important for the fiber optic professionals to take the help of a high-quality cleaver for this part of the whole fusion splicing process so that it results in fiber optic ends that are perpendicular to each other as they can be.


Step 3: Fusion of the Fiber optic cables is done:

At this part of the process, the fiber optic cables should be properly prepared to undergo the fusion splicing process and get fused with each other. In order to perfectly align the cables before actually starting the fusion splicing process, professionals take the help of special equipment. During the process, an electric arc is used to heat up the fibers and melt them down for fusing them.

Step 4: Protection of the Fiber optic cables after performing fusion:

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Once the fusion splicing method is successfully performed and the fiber optic cables are successfully joined, the resulting cables need to be protected so that it does not get stretched or broken while handling it. Things like silicone gels or shrink tubing can be kept over a splice to protect it moving forward.

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